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Business and Analytics Strategy Implementation-Experience Overview

Experience Overview
  1. Experience with developing a comprehensive strategic plan and structure (in partnership with technology, business optimization and key bus...

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Sustainable Business in Africa!

Reading Prof. ...

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Respect for who you are and your values…..

Reading this post this morning makes me remember a proverb in the Yoruba language: “Omo Abiire kin fi Owo Osi Juwe Ile baba re”. English: A child that is born and properly raised and cultured will ...

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The Master Plan: We can only Save ourselves as African…..

The Master Plan: Plan A---- Start Trade with West African Countries Plan B ---- Take them to Slavery, and use what they have to build what we need Plan C--- Step Aside and control behind: ...

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Economic viability of Marijuana in Sub- Sahara Africa.

Growing up in Africa most populous nation, and had the opportunity to know more about how Ondo State, in Nigeria is the probably the largest grower of marijuana in Nigeria. This state accounted for...

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Sustainable Business in Africa!
Respect for who you are and your values…..
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